There are two other organs where the body naturally detoxifies itself: the liver and the colon. Here are several suggestions for how to keep these organs in optimal health so they can do their best job for you.
The liver is a major detox organ and works daily to keep your body clean. Glutathione is the main antioxidant and detoxifying molecule in the body. I recommend supplementing with N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) because it helps form and recycle glutathione in order to keep it in good supply. Eating more traditional organic non-GMO whole soy foods (tofu, tempeh, miso, natto, and edamame), seeds, and nuts can increase NAC. Minerals like selenium and zinc are necessary for glutathione formation. Nuts, in general, are great sources of zinc, and Brazil nuts provide a good source of selenium.
The colon needs daily evacuation so that constipation can be avoided. Consuming both soluble and insoluble fiber is necessary for promoting detoxification – and this prevents constipation. A formed, soft stool that looks like a snake needs to occur at least once daily (optimally twice or after every meal).
Prebiotic fiber like inulin, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), and foods like flaxseeds and oats feed friendly bacteria in the gut and cause stool to pass easily. By consuming prebiotic fiber you can feed your gut microbiome, prevent constipation and improve overall gut function.
Other ways you can increase your body’s ability to deplete toxins is to reduce the toxic burden through clean air, clean water, and clean food. This allows each detox organ the ability to work better because they aren’t having to work as hard.
For those needing more aggressive treatment, you may need some form of IV Therapy for heavy metals. Knowing your toxic load and your detox capacity is important. Specific testing can be done to answer these questions and is provided in our Michigan clinics.
If you have a chronic disease, autoimmune disease, or infectious disease like Lyme disease you may have an underlying infection or condition that needs correction in order for you to be restored to health. In these cases, a comprehensive detox program may be necessary to achieve the results that you need. At Forum Health, we offer plans that address these issues.
Recommendations you can start today:
- Avoid tap water and alkaline water, use filtered (reverse osmosis) or ozonated water at half your body weight (lbs) in ounces of water per day (with the goal of needing to urinate every 2-3 hours with clear or pale urine).
- Eat alkaline fruits and vegetables so urine pH stays between 6.4 and 7 (pH paper is readily available and the alkaline diet is available at my office).
- Take N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) 600 to 1200 mg daily between meals or eat lots of beans.
- Sweat frequently with exercise, outdoor heat, or infrared sauna.
- Eat daily fiber and prebiotics, and ensure your daily bowel movements look like a snake and are easy to pass.
- If constipation is an issue, take ColonEase. This gentle product encourages elimination.
- Instead of periodic cleansing do periodic fasting (the 5-day fasting-mimicking diet is what I recommend – Prolon is commercially available and amazing effects on the body have been clinically proven).
- Avoid chemicals by eating non-GMO and organic foods (follow the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen lists)
- Determine your toxic load if you need aggressive treatment. Testing in our clinics is readily available.
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