Women’s Shockwave Therapy Treatments in Michigan


Urinary incontinence is a relatively common issue that affects over 25 million people nationwide. Of that population, over 70 percent are women. At Forum Health Medical Weight Loss, our providers are capable of utilizing Shockwave Therapy treatments in Michigan to provide long-term relief for your urinary incontinence symptoms thanks to proven treatments.  

At a base level, urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control, leading to leakage or an inability to stop urination altogether. Some of the most common symptoms include: 

  • Urinating frequently 
  • Leaking urine when coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising 
  • A sudden and uncontrollable urge to urinate 
  • Frequently waking up to urinate 
  • Urinating during sleep 

How Shockwave Therapy Treatments Help Urinary Incontinence

Several different factors beyond age can lead to urinary incontinence issues, and it may even be a sign of an underlying health problem. No matter what’s causing the issue, this type of frequent urination or leaking can be incredibly frustrating to deal with. The physical, mental, and even social toll that it takes can lead to an overall decline in wellness.  

Forum Health Medical Weight Loss offers a lasting solution for urinary incontinence issues in the form of Shockwave Therapy treatments in Michigan. Shockwave Therapy is a non-surgical treatment that’s highly effective in treating problems with urinary incontinence and intimate wellness. And not only has the procedure shown consistent results, but there’s also zero downtime associated with it! 

The Shockwave Therapy Treatment Process

All Shockwave Therapy treatments start with an initial consultation with one of our providers. After learning your symptoms and your goals for treatment, we’ll determine if Shockwave Therapy is a suitable treatment for your individual needs.  

For the procedure itself, the goal is to strengthen the vaginal tissue by increasing blood flow to the vagina. We accomplish this by activating the growth of healthier vaginal tissue. This process, called neurogenesis, enhances sensitivity in the vagina and can make orgasms easier to achieve. Shockwave Therapy restores the ability to lubricate and can reduce pain experienced during intercourse. 

Visit Forum Health Medical Weight Loss for Your Shockwave Therapy Treatments in Michigan!

At Forum Health Medical Weight Loss, we are proud to be at the forefront of women’s health in Michigan. We are committed to helping our patients work through their physical, mental, and sexual health issues with a dedicated professional team. Each member of our staff is highly trained and passionate about helping you achieve your desired results. 

If you’re dealing with issues regarding sexual health, vitality, or urinary incontinence, our team can help. We are happy to go over your options and answer all your questions about women’s sexual health. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment or let us know more about your concerns with our virtual consultation tool! 

